Getting Started with Team Fortress 2 (5 years later)

Started by Mr. Analog, August 22, 2012, 10:20:10 AM

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Mr. Analog

So, TF2 has been free to play for a while now, but I sense some people are intimidated by it a bit, first of all don't be, it's a very easy game to get into.

Things that will help you get started:

1. There IS a training mode!

Not all classes are in the training mode but you can learn the basics of the game here.

2. Training maps with Bots

The bots are a good way to get a feel for how matches flow, where choke points are on certain maps, etc. Oddly enough learning the map layout is very important for some classes (like Sniper, Engineer and Spy) but not so important for other classes (Soldier, Medic, Scout). Playing against bots is somewhat annoying because as dumb as the bots are on the other team they are equally dumb on your own team, so it's really not a good representation of what happens, it's more of a place to get a feel for different classes without going online. For example, people are generally less good at detecting spies than bots.

3. Have gun will travel

ALL classes have 3 main weapons, the function and use of each differs from class to class but the basics are the same: aiming reticle + left mouse button. You get a main ranged weapon, a close quarters ranged weapon and a melee weapon. Some classes get additional gizmos like the disguise kit for the Spy and the PDA for the Engineer or have right mouse button features (like zooming in the Sniper scope or detonating Demoman's sticky bombs).

4. YouTube

There are hundreds of class-specific strategy videos out there, and while you won't pro-it-up right off the bat you'll learn little things here and there by watching what people do.

5. Jump in and Play, Expect to get your Ass Handed to you (at first)

Get a feel for the classes, start by playing basic offence classes, watch what others do with their classes (like Engineer or Medic), find a class you like playing and really learn it.

One of the best ways to learn a class is to get owned by someone who's good at playing it :D you start noticing things like, that Sniper doesn't stand in the same spot for long or that Engineer has a really good spot camped out.
By Grabthar's Hammer


It really is a fun game for F2P, and can be played for minutes or hours.  Matches can be over in 5 minutes or last 30+, depending on the group of people and map.

The only thing I really don't like is that with the F2P comes the kids with swears.  Some servers I've been on had me muting the mic traffic in minutes.  But that is how it goes with online play these days.  And it doesn't deter me from coming back to play again and again.

Can't wait to try co-op.
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!

Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer