Modern After Market Stereos and accessories.

Started by Lazybones, June 27, 2018, 11:09:44 AM

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Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


For those interested a few more of the parts buried in the dash.

Hard Wire Power Cord Cable Charger Adapter
Only supports 3A total but seems to solve the power leak issue I had before and has no problem powering the hub, the Carplay/Android Auto dongle, and my iPhone 7.

Dual USB 3.0 Flush Mount Cable
Smaller than I had expected, which is why I ended up making my own plate.. I was hoping to just slot this in and replace my AUX in but I would have needed a backing plate for that as well.

ORICO 4 port USB3.0 Rectangle Hub
This hub is interesting as it is small, can be used as a passive hub but also has a micro USB input for additional power.